Sunday, April 26, 2009

Two Steps Forward, One Back

I really liked the quote for today when I read it because it's something I can definitely relate to right now. I think my running friends and I have all been there when we're feeling good about our running then something sets us back, whether it be a rock in the trail, an aching IT band, problems with our kids or husbands, or just a common cold or flu. I really feel like our running for the most part is two steps forward and one step back. I suppose the important thing is that if we just keep going forward, then we will eventually end up further from where we started.


Patty said...

Hopefully you are feeling better! Let us know if you will be up to a run later. You will be moving forward again in no time, and it will be someone else's turn.

Picture Lady said...

Such a sad report!
Being sick is NO FUN, especially when we are accustom to a healthy active body. My mother would be quick to remind me of all those less fortunate who are challenged daily with aches and pains. Obviously running is serious business to you all and not just sanity and good health. Luckily it's just a stomach flu (?) so Marathon Mom will be beating everyone to the finish again soon!

"The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart" ... but actually that's true all the time!