Monday, March 2, 2009

The Art of Racing in the Rain

I've been meaning to read this book. I never did find out from my friend if it was any good. In any case, I'm always reminded of the book every time we run in the rain. Not knowing how the weather was going to hold out later, I decided to run with Patty in the morning and take advantage of the day off from work. When we started, there were just intermittent drops here and there. We knew ahead of time that we were going to make it short and run only about 3 miles so I thought it would be a good chance to see how fast we could run 3 miles almost at race pace. (You can never really simulate race pace unless you're actually in a race). With the last bit of hills and all, we ran 3 miles in 9.05/mile pace. I was hoping we could get under 9, but I think we started too slow. Maybe that could be a goal for us, to run the same circuit in under 9 minute pace. As we were ready to head on home, the rain really began to fall. . . . . .just in time!


Patty said...

Hmm! I knew you had a plan this morning, when I noticed that I could only try and nod politely and grunt to hold up my end of the conversation. I don't know how much faster I could do that and it reminded me how much I hate "race pace". It did feel good when it was over and we could pat ourselves on the back a bit, but it makes me dread the upcoming 5K we were planning. Have fun tonight!

marathon mom said...

I did end up running AGAIN tonight with the Storm kids. Wow there is a huge group this year! It is really amazing how fast these little girls can run. I think I ran somewhere 2 to 2.25 miles, but at a very fast pace with these kids. We ran from school down Smyth to Copperhill to Decoro. I was definitely winded by the time we got back, especially with that hill. M was there too picking up the stragglers. I'm actually looking forward to running with them again on Wednesday.

Picture Lady said...

Well, I'll never keep up with you three at this rate!
I was sore on the top of my legs Sunday but did my usual 1+2mile vs 1+3 and again yesterday and today. I also did yoga today and boy did that feel good on my sore muscles. Yoga is a great way to give your muscles a break and practice relaxation, breathing, flexibility and focus. I missed yoga last week and so I really enjoyed it today. I guess I like mixing things up. Walking, jogging,yoga, biking, hiking, swimming etc...
I like feeling healthy.

I looked up that book on line..."The Art Of Racing In The Rain"... could be a good read. I just won't have much time to read for the next 3 weeks. But, I plan to pick-up the book.