Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blazing Speed?

The "blazing" refers to the weather, it seems we always pick the hottest day of the week to do our "speed" workout. It was warm today, but that wasn't the worst part, it was the headwind that was blowing on our second mile which of course was slightly uphill and more than a minute slower than our first mile. We sent my son on ahead because he was going to run the longer route, and he doesn't want to wait around for us to discuss our days, go to the bathroom, etc. etc. It does take us a while to get going! We decided to do the first mile at a controlled 8:30 minute mile and try to maintain that the whole time, instead of going out as fast as possible to start and dying out at about the half way point. This worked really well on the first mile and we maintained a comfortable 8:30 minute pace the whole mile (I started to fade just in the last few feet). Once we turned around however and started back it was a different story, we were running into a very strong wind, and literally felt like a wind tunnel going under the Decoro bridge! "Marathon Mom maintained a good 20 to 30 second lead on us the whole time, so I was truly hoping that she had just decided to speed the pace up a bit on the second mile. No such luck! She informed us that we were having a hard time keeping a 9:40 pace for that mile, but that our average for the 2 miles was around 8:45 which is really, all things considered, very respectable and makes me feel pretty good. I was dreading having to post something after our speed workout because I know it is always negative, but I have to say that today was a "good" run day, and with a little less wind resistance, maybe next time will be even better! My son may want to wait a bit before he runs off next time, because he was already finishing up as we were just getting started, he did get plenty of time for a cool down though.


marathon mom said...

We were actually maintaining around a 9.0 min pace on the way back into the wind. If we were running 9.40, I wouldn't advertise it on the blog. It was pretty bad on the way back (more than I could remember in a long time), but I'm looking forward to increasing our tempo to 3 miles as we get stronger and yes, we are getting stronger. As much as I dread doing the work, it does feel good afterwards to know that we are pushing a little harder. You and C did much better this week, and I don't think you walked at all, right? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Patty said...

I was wondering how you did that"fuzzy" math with a 9:40 and a 8:30 mile, I guess I just heard you wrong. A 9.0 pace is much better, I can sleep a bit better tonight. I did not walk today, that is the truth, I cannot speak for C but she wasn't far behind so I don't think so.