Tuesday, June 1, 2010

M.O.R.E. Complaints!

This afternoon, I ran with Marathon Mom, and C from Cheesepark toward the trail, to Decoro and back up the dirt hill. It seemed like we spent the whole run, on a list of complaints, and then after we finished, complained about how hard the run was and how slow we ran. I am wondering how we can adjust our attitudes, so that we can look at the things we are facing at this stage of our lives, in a more positive light, like this....

  • Instead of Hot Flashes, we could call them Warm Fuzzies
  • Instead of Frequent Bathroom Breaks, we consider them a Welcome Rest
  • Instead of Slow Races, we consider them a chance to check out the Scenery
  • Instead of Sarcastic Teenagers, we consider them Brilliant and Witty Offspring
  • Instead of Dieting, we consider it an Alternate Cuisine
  • Instead of Unwanted Weight Gain, we consider it (OK, I got nothing)
Anyway, you get the idea, but I can't seem to think of all the things we were complaining about, maybe it was just about how hard the run was. We managed 3.14 at a 9.50 pace, but it was humid, and our legs were still feeling the 10K we ran on Sunday. Marathon Mom was wondering why it was so hard to run 3 miles, at such a slow pace, when we are capable of running 6 miles at almost a minute faster. Of course it wasn't a race, and I think we need some different scenery, or maybe just a better outlook! I am going to work on mine :)


marathon mom said...

Okay, is that a hint that I need to work on mine? I was thinking about how much I was complaining today and that normally isn't me, but after having two miserable runs in a row, you kind of start to wonder. My quads just felt like jello and the humidity did wonders for my breathing. I know we all go through cycles and we all have good days and bad days. I just wish we could time our good and bad days together so that we're not holding anyone back and we can all be miserably slow or fantastically fast together at the same time.

Patty said...

No hints, and I appreciate the fact that we can all complain about the same things. I am starting to get a bit self-conscious when we run with other people, because we sound like angry old ladies. We all have our bad days, but I think today, we were all on the same page. It would be nice to have a day where when we end, we ALL say that was a great run!
My legs are pretty sore tonight.