Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's Best

I'm sure as mothers you've all heard it before when trying to make an important decision for your child, "Do what you think is best". And I'm sure all of you have been there thinking "I really don't know what's best". As mothers we all hope that we are automatically programmed to know what's best and most of the time our gut tells us what is the right thing to do. But there are those few times when we are at a complete loss. That's when I am so grateful for my friends. Sometimes they just listen, sometimes they cry, and sometimes they give sound advice without the emotionality. What would I do without my friends?

1 comment:

Patty said...

The thing about mothers is that they have an instinct about what is best. It is because we look inside of our children's hearts and we listen to what they are feeling, even when they don't say it. Maybe it would be easier to make decisions about our kids if we could separate from that emotional connection, but we can't, and that is what makes it so hard. None of us have any guarantee or manual to follow, so we do the best we can, and follow our instinct, and talk to our friends!