Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Running for the Health of It

I am always writing about the benefits of running and talking with my friends. It is obvious to anyone who watches us run, and to our families that our running is about more than running. We really never stop talking, and the amazing thing is that the more we run, the fitter we get and thus, the more we talk. I was thinking about how much fitter we are than we (or I) were when we first started out running together. Speaking for myself, I would try to join in on the conversation, but after a while had to just listen because I was breathing so hard. On our run today, Marathon Mom, C, her daughter, K and I started at Cheesepark, ran to the Albertsons trail and took that toward Decoro before we headed back up the trail to join up to McBean, and back to Cheesepark. It is a 4.3 mile route and we haven't run it in a while. As we were running down the Albertson's trail, we were really keeping a good pace, (we didn't have the GPS, so no numbers) but never broke stride with our conversation. I have to say, we really have come a long way, and I KNOW that all the running we do is benifitting us in ways we don't necessarily see. I know I felt guilty yesterday leaving to run with a sick child (even though he was asleep), it is not easy for Moms to spend so much time doing things for themselves, but I know that we are doing it for our families good also, because we are in better moods, and undoubtedly healthier for all our time spent doing something we enjoy so much!

Today was my oldest's 28th birthday, he is as much of a joy today as he was as the most adorable baby ever born (up until that day 28 yrs. ago). We ate a HUGE breakfast together as a family and watched old vacation videos that showed all the kids in their younger years. There is much to remember and much to look forward to, so I will keep up the running in the hopes of keeping up with my children for some time to come. HAPPY BIRTHDAY #1


marathon mom said...

I was happy to see your comments about us being "fitter" because "fit" doesn't necessarily mean skinnier in my book. I thought I was going nuts because since we've been doing this marathon training, I've GAINED weight, instead of losing and then when you confirmed the same for yourself, well in some weird, selfish way that made me feel better (ha, ha). I'm still waiting for that point when the weight starts to come off. Maybe when we start doing 20+ per day? It was again humid this morning, but I enjoyed this morning's run.

I hope your #5 son was feeling well enough to enjoy the wonderful breakfast you made for your #1 son's birthday. It amazes me that with everything going on, you still had time to post on our blog.

Patty said...

I know I focus a lot on my weight and I have been unhappy with the couple of pounds that seem to have crept on this summer. I think we have to really take pride in the fact that we have been so consistent this summer with our schedule. I have been feeling good with the running and I think the longer miles are really starting to pay off, hopefully now they will pay off by taking off those pounds. #5 seems to be feeling better this afternoon and did get to enjoy the breakfast but the fever spiked again and he slept the day away, which is why I had time to post, it has been quiet here. No school tomorrow to prepare for, hopefully Friday. Have a good run Sunday, I will hopefully be in L.Vegas.