Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Mourning

No the title isn't a typo, I do know how to spell morning as in a.m., but it seemed that we were all sort of in a mood. I think it's the realization that summer is almost once again over and the kids will be starting school this week or next and hence we will be going back to work soon. It was only Patty, C, and I at Central Park where we pretty much ran the xc course. I'm really not sure what they could do to that trail to make it more appealing. I'm not even sure if adding trees would help it. Perhaps a stream or a lake would help. I always feel like I'm running in a dust bowl. As I was running, I noticed how much sandier and looser the trail has gotten since the cross country training season has begun. If it wasn't already bad enough. If I could design it from scratch, I would put in more trees, pave the trail in asphalt with mile markers, put in bathrooms by the basketball courts which opened earlier, refrigerated water fountains at every mile, and of course a Peet's Coffee shop also by the basketball courts for when we finish. Hhmm, I wonder what the city would say if I sent them my suggestions for a new and improved park?

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