Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Running with Gum

Running with gum is like running with scissors, somewhat hazardous. Lately I've been chewing gum during our runs to help keep my mouth from going too dry since we've been running without the water belts on the shorter runs. Yesterday, as I was running, talking, and chewing gum I accidentally bit down so hard on one of my teeth that it is still loose! I guess chewing gum requires that you do not try to multitask. See N Sun was telling us how she bit her tongue accidentally the day before by talking, eating, and player with her son, again multitasking. I wonder if anyone has ever choked on their gum while running? At every race, the goody bags are usually filled with various products for dry mouth (biotene), such as dry mouth gum, gel, toothpaste, mouthwash. I wonder if they help runners and that's why they market them at all of the races? Usually at the end of a race, my mouth is so dry that I think that is what starts the gag reflex (sorry for graphics). I think it's time I tried one of these dry mouth products.


Patty said...

That is one reason I don't wear a watch or a Garmin. I just know I would trip while I was looking at it. It doesn't seem to affect your running so keep chewing, I need any advantage I can get. It may just be the two of us tomorrow, so we can run anywhere.

marathon mom said...

I wouldn't mind sticking with the plan and see how we do on the "killer hill". My hubby might join us.