Sunday, November 9, 2008

L.A. 1/2 Marathon?

I just got a postcard for the L.A. 1/2 Marathon. If we are not going to run the full marathon in February, how about the 1/2 in December? We're pretty much already trained for it and it's just a matter of keeping up our miles. I think it would be fun to run the 1/2 marathon in different scenery. You know who is the "official whatever" for that race. Anyone else up for another 1/2 marathon?

1 comment:

Patty said...

You would have to convince me to do another half marathon this soon, right now I am just not feeling it. I still think we should try to run with the S.O.A.R. kids and just see what happens. It is not that I have a burning desire to run a marathon, but I have this feeling that it will nag at you if you don't give it a try. The effects of the race last week must really be wearing off for me to even consider it. I am so glad the race wasn't today, with the wind and cold, it would have been miserable!