Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Goals

C is finally back from her trip and was able to join me and Patty at Central Park for a run. I know we shouldn't be complaining with all the horrible weather back east, but it is awfully hot for January.  C even ran in a tank top!  We were really dragging in the beginning and had to stop a couple of times, but the stops actually helped get our legs back a little.  By our last mile I think we were feeling a little better and were able to finish the last mile around an 8.3 pace, which is good because the rest of the run was rather slow.  Hey, at least it stayed under 10 min/mi for the average (9.45).  We talked about intensifying our workouts while keeping the distances shorter to get our heartrate up more.  Marathon training trains your body to endure physical pain over a long period of time, but it really doesn't do much for the heartrate so that is what we are going to be working on. We always come up with these lofty goals and then complain as we try them out, but hopefully we will follow through on some of these.  I think C almost fell over when we told her we were planning on running 10 miles this weekend.  Ideally I would like to get in 20-25 miles per week with at least one 10 mile run, a tempo run, a hill workout, and a recovery run after the long run.  Like I said, lofty goals.


Patty said...

If you factor into our run, all the talking that we do while we are running, I am sure our heart rates are up higher than you think. Today was hard in the beginning, my right hamstring is tight and sore, but by the last mile, even with the faster pace, I felt good. I would have really been in trouble though if we would have run past the gate, somehow when I run through it, my body just shuts down, I was worried that you were going to keep on going. The goals are great, can we add some swimming and weight training into the mix? How do people who are in really good shape, manage to get it all in? I do like having goals though and am ready to shake it up a bit.

marathon mom said...

The problem is that if we do all that I mentioned and then we do swimming and weight training, when would we be home? I think what we should do is perhaps switch swimming with hills or tempo runs once in a while since they both work on aerobic intensity at the same time. I'm not sure we can work the weight training in without adding another day unless on our runs, we do modified push ups on the paseo fence.