Monday, October 12, 2009

Air Please!

I don't understand how three miles can be so difficult when a 10 mile run seemed relatively easy just two days ago. Today's run just started out awful for me. My feet and my ankles hurt so much in the beginning that our pace was pretty sad. I'm not sure if it was the cold, the long run over the weekend, or being on my feet all weekend, but Patty was also feeling it in her knee. We started from Cheese Park and went north to Copperhill where we entered the trail. Until we actually got to the trail, it was shear agony. Once we stopped to stretch a bit, things started to feel much better from the waist down; however, the breathing never got easier. Both Patty and I felt like we were laboring for breath the entire time. Perhaps it was the increase in humidity due to the clouds, but it seemed like I just couldn't get enough air in my lungs. I couldn't wait for this run to be over. We managed a decent 9.3 pace considering the extremely slow start. What we realized was that the weather today is probably very similiar to what the weather will be like when we run the marathon or even colder. We will have to start experimenting with layers of clothes to see what works. I'm glad I ran through the pain eventhough I really wanted to stay home and curl up with a blanket. I'm hoping Wednesday will be a better day.


Patty said...

Today was just a get it done run. It seemed like it was going to be so cold and windy, and I would have rather stayed home under a blanket. I am glad I got out and ran though, even though it wasn't pretty, I got through it. I think that finishing a run that we have to just get through, and the ones that we finish feeling good, are just the same. I just wish we could have the cooler weather without the wind, it seems like they go hand in hand. At least I got to go home and play with my "princess puppy", the specialist puppy in the world!

marathon mom said...

On top of worrying about everything else that could go wrong, now I am worrying about the weather on race day. Yesterday's run made me remember how miserable the cold can be on the joints. Remember those mornings when everything hurt like it was going to break because it was so bone chilling cold? I supposed we will have to get used to the cold like we had to get used to the heat if we're going to race in it. It's just making me nervous with all this lousy weather lately.