Friday, July 23, 2010

A Good Laugh

This morning I met Patty for a swim and was really glad I could get off my feet.  Last night's race really did my foot in to the point where I couldn't even stand on it, let alone walk on it.  Unfortunately, I had to tell Patty that I need to stay off of it for the next two days, which means no long runs with my friends this weekend.  The pain has gotten worse, not better and the only thing that might help at this point is rest.  What I mean by rest is no running, but I can still swim.  Patty and I are really improving in our swimming techniques.  Today I swam 40 laps, most of it without a snorkel.  Only 6 of those laps were with snorkel and I'm really getting the hang of one breath to every 3 strokes.  Both of us are swimming more relaxed now too, which is also probably helping with the breathing.  I was done before Patty so I sat and watched her to do a couple of cool down laps on her back.  She must have had her eyes closed the whole time because she started out in lane 2 and ended up in lane 5.  I was yelling her name and laughing at the same time to get her attention because I didn't want her to crash into the side of the pool.  Thankfully she opened her eyes just in time to correct herself. She reminded me of one of those wind up toys you put in the bath and watch it swim in circles.  Too funny!

Afterwards we soaked up the sun for a little while and commented on how we are both dreading the start of school and having to give up these early morning swims.  At the beginning of the summer, we were kind of dreading getting back into the pool, but now I wish we would have started earlier.  Who knows, maybe if I can push my start time at work to a little later, I can still sneak in a swim or two before work.


Patty said...

I am glad you had a good laugh at my expense. I was really enjoying a relaxing cool down swim on my back, and when I opened my eyes and saw where I was headed, I started laughing, and then I heard you from across the pool cracking up! Going to get that swim cap before our next swim, I'll get you one too. I hope we can keep up the swimming, even when school/work starts again, I am enjoying it. Rest your feet, it is more important that they are fresh for shopping!

marathon mom said...

I got back into the pool this morning and I realized swimming back to back two days in a row is hard, just like running. I barely got 30 laps in. The other thing I noticed is that when the water is choppy, it's much harder to swim. Two guys were doing laps this morning too and they caused a lot more wave action than when we swim and I could definitely tell the difference. Still, it felt good to get some exercise in.