Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Good Idea

Patty had a great idea for our run today.  She suggested that we run from Lowes and head up behind Helmers from the bridge at Bridgeport and then across McBean  at Decoro and onto the bike path towards Heritage and back to Bridgeport over the bridge at Panera, and then back to Lowes.  We weren't sure about the mileage but it worked out perfectly at 6.5 miles and  the best part was that most of those miles were in the shade and we had several opportunities for water (and bathroom) stops.  After the run we sat and had coffee at Starbucks and I have to say that I do like sitting there more than at Peet's because we usually run into more people that we know.  I like chatting with our fellow SCR friends afterwards, but today we ran into one of our favorite teachers from Emblem and had a chance to catch up with her.  It was so nice to see her again and it made us realize how much we miss our little school.  We never run into anyone at Peet's, which I guess could be a good thing too if we're all sweaty and gross.

1 comment:

Patty said...

I really enjoyed talking to our teacher friend, and it just made me miss working, and miss the kids from Emblem! It was a good run today, shady and cool for the most part. The last mile, however was tough and my legs were totally spent. I felt good about the longer weekday runs also, and am glad to get our mileage back up a bit.