Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Rare Day

Today was one of those rare days when the planets align and the weather is perfect for running.  I was a little worried yesterday about our planned long run for today because it was so windy and cold , but you couldn't have asked for a better day.  To top it off, all three of us (me, Caryn, and Bonnie) were still feeling pretty good after 6.5 miles into our 9 mile run.  My friends and I always talk about how we're always chasing those rare running moments when every one's legs feel good and the conditions are perfect.  That was today.  The only thing missing of course was Patty.  Hopefully she had a nice run with her hubby the day before. Today was an encouraging sign for our upcoming races.


Patty said...

I just figured out what I was doing wrong when it came to commenting on this blog!! I have typed out several comments that never got posted! Glad you guys had a nice run today...Jerry and I ran yesterday in the cold wind:( we did 9 miles though, so I am wondering if we are bumping up to 10 or 10.5?

marathon mom said...

I think it will be closer to 10.5 next week because we will have to cross the bridge and loop back. Since it's not an out and back, it's hard to tell exactly how much we'll get. Unless we decide to start wearing those belts, we will have to keep on the trails with water and bathrooms ;)